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PODCAST: How To Stay Healthy and Fit During the Coronavirus Lockdown

It’s nearly impossible to go about your day without someone mentioning coronavirus, which can be detrimental to our wellbeing. In times like this, staying physically and mentally healthy is more important than ever. In the latest episode of BBC Scrum V podcast, our very own Robin Sowden-Taylor shares tips and advice on how to stay healthy and fit while social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak. Here’s a sneak peek into what you can learn from this episode…

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ION’s 7 Pillars of Health and Wellness

When it comes to our physical and mental health, diet and exercise is only a small part of the bigger picture. Our sleep, connections, movement and mindset all play an important role in staying healthy and keeping our immune system as strong as possible.

The Power of Routine

Working and studying from home, social distancing and isolation throw us out of our comfort zone, to say the least. A lot of people are struggling to adopt these changes while staying true to their fitness goals. In this episode, Robin discusses the importance of sticking to your daily routine and its benefits.

Mindset and Breathing Exercises

Let’s be real, that drive, that motivation we feel when we start a new healthy habit doesn’t last long and often fades away once we start encountering obstacles and challenges along the way. So, when we are faced with an obstacle it’s our mindset that keeps us going, or stops us in our tracks. Robin discusses the importance of having the right mindset in order to change your behaviours and make those healthy habits stick. You’ll also learn how breathing exercises help you to stay focused and stress-free.

Building Muscle at Home

We all know the importance of building lean muscle mass, but how can we possibly do that during a lockdown with limited or no equipment available? Robin shares his tips on how to build muscle with little or no equipment within the comforts of your home.


Make yourself a cuppa tea and tune into BBC Scrum V podcast, don’t let the uncertainty and panic derail you from achieving your goals and living a healthy lifestyle. Listen to the podcast on Spotify, BBC Sounds or Apple Podcasts. Share your favourite tips and insight from the podcast on social media!

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